How do I add an FTP account in Plesk?

Websavers Inc

Creating FTP Users in Plesk 10 / 11+

With Plesk 10+ you can create additional FTP accounts with access to the directory of your choice.

If you would like the user to not have access to any of your web files, then you can configure their home directory to be a folder within a custom directory in your webspace root. To do this, you first need to create their new home directory by going to the File Manager (Under Websites & Domains). Choose Add New Directory and label it something appropriate to easily identify it as the home directory for your new FTP user.

Now you can create the FTP user:

  • Login to Plesk
  • Choose Websites & Domains
  • Select the FTP Access button
  • Choose Create Additional FTP account
  • The FTP account name will be the username for FTP access
  • The Home directory is the location that the FTP user will have access to
  • Specify the password you’d like for the account then choose OK

Your new FTP user will now have access to the directory provided.

New FTP accounts can *only* connect using FTPS (or FTP with TLS). Standard FTP is no longer supported for security reasons. More details on this here.

Note: after creating the account, you might get an error saying “Error: There are FTP accounts linked to nonexistent physical directories.” This appears to be caused when creating a folder in the private directory, but in testing it has been shown to be an invalid error — it can be safely ignored.

Creating Additional FTP Users in Plesk 9

Although you cannot create additional FTP accounts with access to your website content (httpdocs for example) with Plesk 9, you are able to use Plesk to create FTP accounts to a separate user directory. In Plesk these are called Web Users because the content uploaded is also accessible via http. Here’s how to add a web user:

  1. Login to Plesk
  2. Click the “Web Users” button within the “Web Site” section
  3. If prompted, select the domain to which you wish to add the web user
  4. Choose “Add New Web User”
  5. Provide a username and password
  6. It is recommended to set a hard disk quota to ensure the FTP account doesn’t exceed your account’s storage limit. If your web user account goes over your total account limitation, it could cause your domain to be suspended.
  7. None of the remaining check boxes are necessary. Click OK to create the account.
Your new Web User is provided two benefits; the ability to upload and download files via FTP as well as the ability to download files via HTTP. To access the files within via http, use the following path template:
If you would prefer this Web User account be inaccessible via HTTP and by strictly for FTP, then you can limit HTTP access to everything within using a .htaccess file. Here’s how:
On your local computer create a text file called htaccess. Open the file and put the following within:
order deny, allow
deny from all
Upload the file using your new Web User FTP username and password. Once uploaded, change the file name to .htaccess (prepend a period). You should now find that any files within are no longer accessible via a web browser.

If you would like to allow access to specific IP addresses you can append a line to the bottom of the .htaccess file like this (replacing the IP with your external IP address):

allow from

Jordan Schelew

Jordan has been working with computers, security, and network systems since the 90s and is a managing partner at Websavers Inc. As a founder of the company, he's been in the web tech space for over 15 years.

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