When working with posts in WordPress, a common question is “how do I change the author?!”
Single Posts
At first glance it doesn’t seem like an option. This is because WordPress hides the post author changing box by default! When editing the post, look for the “Screen Options” tab at the top right corner (you’ll probably need to scroll up). Click it, then check the box beside “Author”
Now, when you scroll below the main post content area (and possibly other boxes like Yoast SEO), you’ll find a box called “Author” with a drop down within allowing you to select a different WordPress user to be the author of the post.
Multiple Posts at Once
You can also bulk change a whole bunch of posts or pages to a different author. Start by going to Posts > All Posts (the posts list). Click on Screen Options (upper right of the page) and ensure the “Author” column is checked/visible.
Checking all the posts in the list that you wish to change and select “Edit” under Bulk Actions. You will see the Author drop down available to change here. Choose the new author, then press the blue Update button.
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