How to reset or change your FTP or SFTP username or password using Plesk

Websavers Inc

To reset your FTP or SFTP login details, you will login to Plesk. Here’s how!

  1. Login to Plesk
  2. Select the “Websites & Domains” tab
  3. Choose either “Web Hosting Access” (for your primary system user account — this one works with both SFTP and FTPS) or the “FTP Access” button (for purely FTP accounts)
  4. If provided with a list of FTP accounts, click the name of the FTP account for which you wish to change the password. If not, skip this step.
  5. Provide a new password and click OK to save it

You should now be able to successfully connect via SFTP or FTPS. If you’re still having trouble, check our FTP configuration details article to ensure the remaining settings are correct.

Jordan Schelew

Jordan has been working with computers, security, and network systems since the 90s and is a managing partner at Websavers Inc. As a founder of the company, he's been in the web tech space for over 15 years.

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