Setting up your email in Microsoft Outlook for iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Microsoft has done a lot of work on their mobile apps, and Outlook for iOS is no exception.
Personally, I’m not a fan of Microsoft Outlook for the Mac / PC, but their mobile app? It’s actually quite beautiful, and it’s arguably easier to configure for your Websavers email than iOS’ own Mail App!
Let’s begin! First, when you open Outlook for iOS you’ll be greeted with a screen suggesting you add an account:
Simple enough; put in your email address and click “Add Account”.
Because it’s Microsoft, they – by default – assume you’re using Exchange. But you’re not! Click “Not Exchange” in the top right.
They really expect you to be using exchange… but we’re still not. Click “Change Account Provider”
Click “IMAP” under Advanced (the envelope icon).
I’m afraid it’s not going to be quite this easy. Toggle “Use Advanced Settings” so we can add the actual server information we’ll need to make this work.
There we go; now put in the information:
Email Address (your email address)
Display Name (how your name should show to others)
Description (how your email account should appear to you in your phone)
IMAP Hostname (your server name; e.g.,, etc)
IMAP Username (your email address)
IMAP Password (your email password)
SMTP Hostname / Username / Password – Same as the IMAP counterparts above
Click “Sign In” at the bottom.
You’re done! Your email account has been added to your phone, and now you can add another if you’d like!
Posted in Email Apps, Guides
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Clear and well written instructions. Up and running with Outlook on iOS within a couple mins.
Thank you!
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I have been trying to do it for such a long time but something went wrong. Then I tried to do it using this guide and I was able to have concrete results for the conversion.
Thanks Greg! If you’re ever in the market for Canadian web hosting, we’d love to have you!